Play by your own rules

About us

Quirky and unique, our toys are meant to inspire children’s individuality. Unexpected colors, intriguing patterns, sensory textures, and features that are as playful as they are educational!

The difference doesn’t stop there; our toys are timeless and meant to be passed on from one generation to the next.

Our packaging is 100% recyclable, with easy-to-use TRY ME windows and groovy die cuts. The difference in our packaging goes way beyond the surface. We want to make sure that the environmental footprint on our children’s world is as light as possible. How? By scrutinizing every single piece, minimizing the parts that get thrown away, and by using soy-based inks.

We aim to be bigger than a toy company. We want to let children know that it’s okay to be curious, to be happy or serious, giddy and adventurous… all at the same time.

Because at the end of the day, kids should B. exactly who they want to B.

Peace, love, and jellybeans!

B. Environmental

We know that toys often come in beautiful boxes or with wonderful wrappers. But the ecological footprint left by packaging is not a pretty sight – which is why we have been relentless in using the most recyclable materials and soy-based inks to minimize that footprint. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. It’s a way of life around here.

Wherever possible we’ve omitted packaging altogether. Some of our toys come with just a simple hangtag. When we do need to use boxes, we use only recyclable paper. For some of our toys, we’ve replaced the traditional box with a beautiful, sturdy storage bag that can be used over and over.

Meanwhile, all of our boxes can be recycled again and again and again. And we’ve made sure that the plastic that holds our toys in place is the most easily and widely recycled.

Even the very few ties that we use to protect our toys while in transit are recyclable. It’s been a BIG effort to make as little an impact on our planet as possible.

As for the toys themselves, we built them sturdy so they could be recycled the old-fashioned way – by being passed from one child to another. And when everyone in your family is finally finished playing with a toy, please check out You’ll find wonderful opportunities in your area for passing along a toy to someone who could use it next.